Helping You Grow Your Faith
Psalm 18:2 "The L-RD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my G-d, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." (KJV) New Here?Live Stream LibraryWeekly Shabbat Service Livestream
Looking for Messianic fellowship?
We meet in the sanctuary.
In-house Services Location:
1405 2nd St Dr SW, Hickory, NC 28602
Services Every Shabbat (Saturday)
Services: 10:30 am-12pm
Coffee Fellowship: 9:45 am-10:15 am
Public Office Hours: Saturdays 9:45 am-1:00 pm
opens in a new windowJoin our Tuesday Night Online Bible Study
If you can’t make our Shabbat service, no worries! We have an online Tuesday evening Bible study at 7pm on Facebook that you won’t want to miss! Join today and grow in your faith! We can’t wait to fellowship with you!
Church Center App
Connect with us using our Church Center App! The Church Center App allows you to get calendar notifications, view sermon notes, join groups, sign-up for events, tithe, and more! Available for both Android & iPhone. When installing, the App will ask you to choose your worship center so search for Rock of Israel Congregation in Hickory, NC.
Get Involved
We are an active congregation that seeks to serve its members and surrounding communities. There are many opportunities to enrich the lives of others through your time, talents, and tithes. We can’t wait to see the blessings of the fruit of the spirit!
Hebrew Language Class
Do you have a desire to learn the Bible in its original language (Hebrew), history, and context? You’ve come to the right place! We have begun a series of classes to help you learn the Hebrew language taught by David Helton. This course is geared toward beginners; so come join us on this learning adventure!
Men’s Ministry- Brotherhood
Brotherhood! You’re invited to join our men as we get together for great times of fun and fellowship. Every occasion is also a time of discussing the Torah and sharing our love of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.
We meet monthly at various locations and especially love the warm months where we love the warm months where we love to be outdoors! Activities can be followed through our Church Center App, which is available for FREE to download on iPhone and Android devices. You’ll find a private group for the men to share information and get answers to a variety of questions. Join us today!
Women’s Ministry- Sisterhood
Please feel welcome to join our women’s group as they meet monthly in various locations. This group offers an excellent opportunity to meet and make friends with fellow followers of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). If you like spending time with warm, friendly women who love the L-RD with all of their hearts, then this is the group for you! Get together with us as we read and talk about the Word. Fun, fellowship and a family-like atmosphere is always part of this group.
Join us on our Church Center App, you will be informed about upcoming gatherings as well as be able to share prayer requests and ask questions and find the answers. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Mishpocheh (family)!
We welcome you! Visit our Contact Us page for more information about arranging a visit, including directions, phone contacts, etc. You will be blessed!
Children’s Ministry
Your total family experience with our congregation is very important to us. While you enjoy our time of worship, learning, and fellowship with like-minded Messianic believers in, and followers of Yeshua, be rest-assured your children are getting a solid foundation of faith!
Age appropriate, Torah-based lessons, Scripture memorization verses, crafts, and other activities will have your kids looking forward to coming to the house of the L-ORD! Children up to 12 years old will learn Torah and learn to see Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah in it!
All teachers are fully background checked periodically to ensure complete peace of mind that your children are in good hands. We offer secure electronic check-in processes through our App which is available on both iPhone and Android devices, as well as our touch-screen kiosk.
Marriage, Spiritual, & Addiction Counseling
As the Rabbi and under Shepherd of the congregation, Rabbi Jeff is here to serve. When counseling becomes necessary whether for marriage counseling and walking out the Torah, he is prepared to give wisdom and advice based upon the Word as the foundation.
Also, keep an eye out on our calendar as we have one of our elders who has a Masters in Addictions counseling. We will be offering an addictions support group as well. Coming soon!
Have you ever wanted to be more involved or even credentialed for ministry? We can assist you with that! There are 4 pathways to complete this goal.
Pathway #1: Messianic Career Foundation courses. These courses are for both the minister and for the layperson who wants to learn how to better impact the Jewish people with the Besorah (Good News) of Yeshua.
Pathway #2: NJF School of Ministry. These are the courses you’ll need to become credentialed with the Assemblies of G-d and are taught from a Messianic perspective and equip you to better share with the Jewish people.
Pathway #3: Engaging the Jewish World. This is a 2-part college level course giving the student a perspective of Jewish History and thought that will enable them to engage in Jewish evangelism.
Pathway #4: Leadership and business practicing. These courses will help individuals grow in leadership skills while developming practical skills needed to manage daily aspects of ministry and their personal lives.
If after reading this, you are led by the Spirit and feel called to a greater purpose, please reach out to Rabbi Jeff Grillo and set up a meeting. We look forward to seeing how G-d uses you to advance his kingdom!
C.H.A.I.M. Cancer Support Group
Chai is the Hebrew word that means alive or life. Chaim is a Yiddish spelling or transliteration of the word life. To us, it stands for Cancer, Hope, and Inspiration Ministry.
This group is lead by Rabbi Jeff who is a cancer survivor of over thirty-two years! He has published two books that have been used by the L-RD to share his testimony of the amazing healing and grace of our G-d!
This monthly group is open to everyone regardless of whether or not you are a member of our Messianic congregation. We offer meetings where patients, caregivers, and family members can come share, ask questions and support one another as you face one of life’s most difficult challenges. You definitely do not have to face it alone! We are here for you.
Every other month, you will be blessed by various speakers who will share on topics ranging from exercixe to nutrition and all things of special interest to members of the group. Each session will be attended by a Registered Nurse who can handle questions of a medical nature in a general sense. Always, of course, follow the advice of your trusted physician. Our nurse is here mainly to make sure we help you to follow your doctor’s advice and make sure we stay on track. dates and times of these meetings will be posted on our calendar here on our website. Feel free to fill out a Contact Us form for more information.

Licensed Bible Based Therapists
Do you need counseling services? We have partnered with a licensed Bible-based Therapist Husband/Wife team, Dr. Jonathan Behler & Dr. Marta Behler. This dynamic duo also run a Podcast called Grace in the Shadows. They offer online counseling sessions. They can be reached at 1(251)244-4645. Their email address: drjonathan@graceintheshadowsor.orgcreate new email
You can learn more at their website:
Their Podcast channel can be found at:
They will be interviewing our own, Rabbi Jeff Grillo in the coming weeks. We will post the links to those Podcast sessions below.
Get Involved
Join Us At Any Event!
Tuesday Night Bible Study
Weekly, Tuesdays, 7PM eST
Join us on Facebook on Tuesday nights for a virtual Bible study. If you would like to join our “online church” and be able to participate in our live Tuesday night study…here’s the link to join! Sign up Link for Virtual Bible Study
Passover Seder 2025
Date & Time: Saturday,
April 12, 2025, 5pm-8pm
Location: Hickory, NC
Join us as we honor the Biblical command to keep the Passover, the High Holy Day (Leviticus 23).
Adults: Beef Brisket: $47 Baked Chicken: $39
Children 12 & Under: Chicken Tenders: $16
140 Tickets Available on the Church App, First Come-First Served.
No Refunds
Purim 2025
Date: TBA
Location: 1405 2nd St Dr SW, Hickory, NC 28602
Special Service- Feast Days- Return 24-Rosh Kodesh ELUL
Monday, Sept. 2, 2024
7 PM @ ROIC 1405 2nd St Dr SW, Hickory, NC 28602
What is the gift hidden in the month of Elul? Join us as we uncover vital end time mysteries hidden in the Fall Festivals that are tied to Leviticus 23 & John 3:3-15! If you missed this event- watch the replay here: opens in a new windowWill the Tribulation Really Be 7 Years?
Sukkot- Feast of Tabernacles 2024
Date, Time &
Location TBD
Join us as we honor the Biblical command to keep the Feast of Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Booths/Tabernacles.
Next Steps
Lots of Ways to Get Involved
New to Torah

Messianic & Jewish Employment Guide
opens in a new windowMessianic / Jewish Employment Guide PDF link
“It can be challenging for Messianic Jewish job seekers to find a career path they love within an organization that shares their religious values. There are job boards and resources that are readily available to help provide aid to Messianic Jewish job seekers at all skill levels.” The atached guide is a resource from and is chuck full of vocational resources. Happy Job Hunting!
Our Mission & Vision
Our Mission is to Minister to the Needs of Our Members and Our Community through the Teaching of Biblical Core Values from a Judeo-Centered Messianic Point of View while Seeking to Enrich Lives and Propagate the Understanding of The Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah.
We value integrity, transparancy, loyalty, honesty, and unwavering determination. We dream big knowing when we reach the end of our ability, this is when His perfect strength is made manifest in our weakness. We persevere and refuse to give up on our appointed mission. We hold fast to the cultural roots of our faith and refuse to go over the cliff of popular societal insanity. We hold fast to the Truth of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation; this is the only Truth.
We Gather Every Saturday (Shabbat)
Saturdays 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Come and visit with us and you will find a family that will warmly welcome you. Come and grow in your own personal relationship with the King of Kings and discover your purpose for which you were created. Come and learn the deeper meanings of the Holy Scriptures from both the Old and New Covenants from the Hebrew perspective. Come and expect to be transformed. (Romans 12:2).
Plan Your Visit
Planning a visit is easy! Give us a call or send us an email, and we will gladly get you settled! We look forward to worshipping G-d with you!
Torah Portions
Each service we cover a new Torah Parasha (Portion) for further study and dialogue. A typical service will involve reading the Word aloud, discussion, joyfully singing, and praying.
Hebrew Language Study
We are excited to provide a beginner Hebrew language study that will make the Old and New Testament come alive with history, language, and context!
Congregation Blog
The Latest News & Updates
Tu BiShvat
Tu BiShvat A Deeper Look into the Jewish Holiday Today, January 25, 2024 is Tuesday, BiShvat, an important day in Judaism. My intent for writing is to offer up a brief look at what the day is all about and really focus on one aspect of the day. This is in no way an...
Choose a Side
Choose a Side. Joshua 24:15, choose you this day whom you will serve.” For millennia, this verse- this statement speaks loudly. Everyone in every generation must make a choice. This is at the heart of who we are. We are a creation of the...
Pray for Israel
Prayer for Israel Needed and Commanded We live in extraordinary times. Since the news broke on Saturday, October 7, 2023 of the atrocities committed against Israelis on not only a Sabbath, but SHIMINI ATZARET, the last day of Sukkot, many individuals...