Be Part of the Miracle: Give to the ROIC Messianic Church Synagogue Building Project

Join Us in Fulfilling G-d's Plan in Hickory, NC
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Giving to The Rock of Israel Congregation

Your Generosity Matters

We are a 501c3 organization so your donation is fully tax deductible.

Call 1-828-201-2883 for more information.

Donate through this link:

Donate to the ROIC Building Campaign


ROIC Building Goal $700,000 - Where are we now??


Miracle #1- Donation of Land

7 Days after Rabbi Jeff and The Rock of Israel Congregation prayed to “enlarge the place of your tent,” to enquire of the L-rd if He wanted us to build a place of our own, He answered that prayer with an astounding, “Yes!” with the anonymous private donation of a 2.2 acre parcel of land in Hickory, NC!


Miracle #2- Donation of Architectural Plans

Watch our Youtube video of Architect Laura giving Rabbi Jeff the full Architectural plans for the 7,777 sq. ft. Messianic Synagogue to be constructed in Hickory, NC for The Rock of Israel Congregation 14 days after the donation of the land.

Miracle #2- Donation of Architectural Plans


Miracle #3- $350,000 Matching Funds Donor Comes Forward

Watch our Youtube video of Rabbi Jeff announcing the generosity of an anonymous donor for a $350,000 Matching Funds Building Campaign.

Miracle #3- $350,000 Matching Funds Building Campaign 

Be a Part of the Vision of the Future

This project started as a simple prayer request for direction from the Creator of the Universe to determine if The Rock of Israel Congregation should start to seek our own permanent place of worship (Isaiah 54:2: “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.”) in the Hickory, NC area or continue to share the gracious accommodations with the LifePoint Church. 

In a mighty confirmation miracle, Hashem quickly answered this prayerful petition with a phone call from a donor of a piece of land. Then just a few weeks later, Hashem brought an architect (Laura) to our congregation with a complete set of plans for a messianic church synagogue! All praise to His Glory and Kingdom and Majesty! 

Now we are set with the task to walk out in Faith that He will provide ALL that we need to complete this project!  That leads us to You! You haven’t landed here by chance.  Come, be a part of the miracle! 

Why Give Online?

Giving online streamlines the process of your donation.  It also provides you with an instant donation receipt. Giving online also allows the donor to choose exactly what program that they want to support simply by clicking on a drop-down menu located in the Church Center App Giving Portal.  We care about your safety and privacy! All donations are processed through a secure server.  

What organizations, charities, or community outreach does the Rock of Israel Congregation Support?

The Rock of Israel Congregation is supportive of the local Hickory, NC community and also supports Israeli citizens and Jewish orphans in several capacities. Among the outreach that we have is to local NC widows by completing odd maintenance jobs, providing storm clean-up, and visitation to nursing homes.  We provide meals and fellowship to recovering men’s group homes as well. Additionally, we partner with counseling ministries to provide support for marriages and families, as well as provide support and counseling to those with cancer and cancer survivors.

As a congregation, we monetarily support three main ministries actively serving the L-RD in Jerusalem, United States, and abroad.

One For Israel is a ministry we support that actively reaches Jewish people, in the Hebrew language in Israel.  In addition to outreach, they do this with the Gospel of Yeshua in Hebrew as well as Arabic and English.

Also, we support a girl’s orphanage:

General Israel Orphan’s Home located in Jerusalem.  this orphanage supports girls and has a track record dating back to 1902 with much success.

Third we support:

North Carolina Boys Academy / Teen Challenge affiliated with Teen Challenge located in Conover, NC who are transforming the lives of troubled youths into men of faith.

Fourth we support:

Preborn is a Christian organization that provides ultrasounds for pregnant women considering abortion, providing support to choose life and sharing the Besorah (The Good News of the Gospel) along with her medical care.  The organization boasts saving over 59,000 babies and thousands of salvation commitments.  They have served over 72,000 women and continue to provide counseling, ultrasounds, medical care and the spread of the Gospel message.


ROIC Building Fund F.A.Q.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many square feet will the new building be?

We are excited to announce that the footprint of the building encompasses 7,777 square feet.  Watch the video testimony from the architect donor, Laura, to learn more! 

What is the fundraising monetary target goal?

The preliminary fundraising target goal for construction, landscaping, and outfitting the building with supplies, furniture, technology, etc. is estimated at $2 million dollars. We believe our Mighty Creator has a plan and a special purpose for our congregation building project. 

What amenities will the building have?

The building is slated to have a sanctuary with a seating capacity of 300 +/-, a greeting entrance, a fellowship hall complete with a full commercial kitchen, a media center control room, several Bible study classrooms, a children’s nursery, a conference/prayer room, Rabbi and administrative offices, utility/storage rooms, restrooms, and the special feature of a prayer garden!   

Is The Rock of Israel a 501 c3 non-profit organization?

Yes!  We are a registered 501c3 non-profit organization so your entire donation is tax deductible!      

Can I send a donation by snail-mail?

Yes!  Please make the check or money order payable to: The Rock of Israel Congregation, 2123 5th St NE, Hickory, NC 28601      

If I cannot monetize the project, are there other avenues I can use to participate?

Yes!! We are open to donations of building materials, dirt/fill, plantings, equipment, time and talents!  This list is not exhaustive, so please contact Rabbi Jeff, the congregation leader with your vision and provision!

In what city and state will the building be located?

The building is set to be built in Hickory, North Carolina near Route 70 and Route 321.

Can I give to the building project even if I don’t belong to The Rock of Israel Congregation?

Yes!  You can be part of this miracle building project!  Even though we would love to have you become a part of our physical congregation, you are a brother or sister in Christ, so donations are welcome and accepted regardless of membership status.  We want everyone to have a part in growing the kingdom of Yeshua Hamashiach in Hickory, NC!

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Contact Rabbi Jeff

Public Office Hours, Saturdays 9:45 am-1:00 pm

1405 2nd St Dr SW, Hickory, NC 28602

In-house Worship Service Hours:  Saturdays, 10:30 am-12:00 PM 

Livestream broadcast: Saturdays, 10:30 am-12:00 PM

Hebrew Language Classes:  12:30 pm-1:00 pm

Shabbat Cafe- Fellowship Hall-  Saturdays, 9:45 AM- 10:15 AM

Homeless Ministry & Nursing Home Ministry:  Every other Saturday- 1:30-3:00 PM


Come and visit with us and you will find a family that will warmly welcome you. Come and grow in your own personal relationship with the King of Kings and discover your purpose for which you were created. Come and learn the deeper meanings of the Holy Scriptures from both the Old and New Covenants from the Hebrew perspective. Come and expect to be transformed. (Romans 12:2).





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Is G-D calling you?  Is He working in your life?  Absolutely.

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